Music For All Ages

Adagio International for Arts is proud to offer music workshops for all ages and skill levels. Our sessions are designed to provide a fun and engaging environment where participants can experience music, develop their skills, and connect with others who share their passion for the arts.

Whether you are interested in learning the basics of music theory or want to improve your skills on a specific instrument or musical topic, our workshops are the perfect way to help you achieve your goals.

We offer workshops in a variety of musical topics, mainly:

Piano - Guitar - Violin - Oud - Qanoun - Drums - Vocalize - DJ'ing - Music Production...


We also offer a range of other arts programs, including:

Dance - Theater - Visual Arts - Drawing


We are here for you!

We assist kids in Music lessons, help them get higher grades in their schools, and pass their music exams in their favourite music programs.


We Train & Develop Musicians in taking their musical skills to higher levels.